“Clothed Much” Yes. let us be.

Meet Elaine Hearn, blogger behind “Clothed Much”, a modest fashion blog. She’s super cute, you guys! Run into fab outfits and helpful tips on the blog, http://www.clothedmuch.com , which also features a page of Mormon fashion blogger listings.

Find Elaine on Twitter, IG, FB and Pinterest.



Modest Fashionista Feature Week

Ok so, it is Tuesday… and I originally wrote this post on Sunday. Just wanted to get that out of the way. Read on…

E-lo, Dearies 🙂 I hope you all had – and still are having- a fabulous, blessed Sunday! I surely am: all cozied up to Hubster on the couch after a wonderful service this afternoon at CapCityDC. Yum Yum.

Any who, this week will be focused on modest fashion. I’m scouring IG, YT, Twitter and the web (should that be capitalized?) for style/fashion bloggers keeping it tight… and RIGHT. And I’ll be sharing each and everyone I come across with you!

If you know someone you think should be featured or you want to be featured, send me a pic/info/website/twitter or whatever!